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Documentation -- House NA Tokyo, Japan -- Sou Fujimoto Architects

Experimentation - since it is my first time soldering ever, I decided to practice with some scarp metal first to make sure i can get the best kind of joints with soldering Tools that are used for my practice: soldering iron - small, flat head to make sure it heats up properly and the flat head makes sure that enough area is heated to conduct the flux; flux -  acidic soldering fluid which indicates where the solder will flow to; solder - make sure that flux is not built in with the solder wires; brush - to brush off excessive solder wire Experimentation  - all kinds of joints are experimented: curved sheet on a flat sheet; metal rods on sheets; metal rods on metal rods, etc., this way I could judge which kind of joints is the ones I am looking for note: only steel can be soldered in this case, so all metal sheets/rods will have to be steel Experimentation  - when soldering from the bottom (in the air), gravity plays a big role into t...

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